Helping Preschool Children With Separation Anxiety

Let’s be honest; we often see Rockland preschool children get sad when their parents drop them off. They experience separation anxiety. It is quite normal for young children to experience this. It is their first step into the outside world. However, it can be challenging for children and parents to experience this. So, let’s understand how to navigate through this and help students settle into the preschool environment.

Recognizing separation anxiety

The first thing that you should focus on is identifying the signs of separation anxiety. Does your child not engage in the activities that they enjoyed in the past? This can be a sign of separation anxiety. Other signs can be not wanting to go to school or being clingy. They may sometimes throw tantrums during separation.

The right approach to help the child

A goodbye ritual:

There should be a goodbye ritual to help the child get prepared for daycare Hingham MA. This can be a special hug, handshake, or even a high-five. This ritual will help your child get comfortable with time and they will not fear separation as much. This is a way to communicate that this separation is just temporary.

Short periods of separation

Begin leaving your child with a trusted individual for short durations. Slowly increase the time. This will help your child become more confident over time. When you leave them, they will be convinced that you will return after some time, which will help ease the separation anxiety.

Keep your promise

Never miss the goodbye ritual; this helps assure your child that you will return on time. Never leave the house without saying goodbye. If you promise to come back at a certain time, make sure to take care of it. This will help improve trust and reduce their separation anxiety.

Comfort object

Let your child take a comfort object to school. This can be a photograph or a handkerchief that they love. This will keep reminding them of home. This way, they will stay hopeful that this separation is not permanent and that you will return after some time. Slowly, they will start enjoying preschool, and there will be no anxiety.

About Primrose Schools®:

Primrose Schools® is a well-known national network of accredited private Hingham preschool. Their priority is always promoting a healthy learning environment where children can play and learn, which helps build a strong foundation for them.

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